Hygiene, a healthy life in a healthy home

Our skin is not only our protective organ but also our largest connection with the outside world. It is an all encompassing interface : 6m2 of skin, with billions of pores and cells that interact with the external environment.

A beehive, like the human body, is a protected environment with an outer shell (of wood, propolis, and wax in its case). Beeswax and propolis provide an effective shield against pollution, immoderate weather, and external vibrations. In sensitive areas, bees reinforce the layer of propolis and wax to create a cocoon that protects against electromagnetic pollution. Applying propolis and beeswax to our skin allows us to benefit from this enhanced protection in the same way. 

Did you know?

Bees show us another way to interact with nature, and inspire us : they make gold - honey, which is at the same time food and treatment - they respond to their needs without damaging their environment.

photo hygiène

The shield of bees

Our bodies are populated by beneficial microorganisms that contribute to our overall health, such as intestinal and skin flora. An excess of disinfectants and antibacterials is harmful to the balance they bring. Let there be peace in our bodies, on our skin, and in our homes with beneficial germs! Bees understand this perfectly. They create the conditions for the growth of beneficial microbes in the hive. A beehive is very clean but never sterile: honey, wax, and propolis in their original state contain just the right amount of beneficial bacteria that properly seed and support the life of the colony. 

photo lavage corps

Cleansing hive treasures

When we use treasures created by the bees for washing without the addition of any disinfectants, we create favorable conditions for our skin flora, intimate hygiene, nasal passages, and mouth. Bees are constantly cleaning. Whenever something bothers them, they get rid of it. Foreign bodies, thieving mice whose corpses could contaminate the hive, or fungal-infected larvae, all of these are quickly removed or controlled (through embalming and mummification) with propolis. 

photo lavage corps

Higiene for a good life

Similarly, good human hygiene requires constant elimination of contaminants, both obvious and subtle. Knowing the difference between the necessary and the not-so necessary, in personal objects and actions alike, is in itself an important detoxification tool. When bees tidy up the hive, they don't ask themselves if something might be useful one day, but rather if it is useful and beneficial for their life now. For example, stored honey provides both food and insulation against the cold during the winter. 

photo lavage corps

Clean like bees

Bees are fastidious in their hygiene: they place a propolis barrier at the entrance of the hive, where foragers clean their legs and fur. For their daily hygiene, bees engage in self- and group grooming for their well-being. It is a lesson we should all take into account: during your shower, practice self-massage. Avoid excessive use of detergents or shampoos that disrupt the skin flora. Gently rub all parts of your body. And don't hesitate to visit a masseuse when needed.

Inspired by bees, this selfcare-by-touch is essential for human hygiene. Body motion also plays a role in this, as movement removes many types of toxicity.

Body hygiene

Hair care

Mouth care