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The "Oeil à Facettes" Hive Elixir symbolizes interior vision. It encourages introspection, self-interrogation of the past, and understanding of present circumstances.
Do you find yourself without a way forward? Indecisive, taking bad decisions, constantly questioning yourself?Our "Oeil à Facettes" Hive Elixir symbolizes interior vision? It helps to see every aspect of a situation. It is for people of all ages who are in the midst of taking decisions, big and small. It encourages introspection, self-interrogation of the past, and understanding of the present. It also stimulates tired skin, and is equally suggested for hair loss.
5 day cure : let 3 drops absorb under your tongue, morning, noon, and night.For a reinforced effect, apply 5 drops, pure, in a massage oil, or in one of our balms or creams, on your shoulders and upper back. Continue the cure as necessary.
Intense emotions : reapply every hour. Compatible with medication or other treatments.
As a complimentary use, take 2 to 3 drops of elixir in the palm of the hand. Rub your two hands together to lightly wet them both with the elixir, and pass them over the part of the body indicated in its instructions. This can be followed by an organic massage oil, or our Rescue Balm, for a prolonged local massage."Air de la Ruche" Hive Elixir is the the only one to be used exclusively through inhalation or diffusion.
Ingredients : water, miel*, propolis*, royal jelly*, pollen*.
*Ingredients from Organic Agriculture. Certified by FR-BIO-10.
Trust yourself, choose what is right for you in the moment.It is possible to combine several elixirs if you feel it necessary, and always in accordance with your emotions. To help you find the right one : Let our wheel choose your elixir
Our emotions often depend on messages that we receive or we transmit. When you choose and use the 12 Hive Elixirs®, you select the best message from the bees for your emotional equilibrium.Each molecule from bee products transmits a particular message through a neutral medium : water which memorizes and broadcasts the information in its own way.The Elixirs reinforce the physical efficiency of many of our preparations.
Learn more about the Hive Elixirs®
• Dynamized high dilutions of 100% organic bee products.• Harvest from specialized apiaries, located in local terroirs in the heart of the French Pyrenees• Alcohol-free, made in our ecological laboratory, in respect of cosmic rhythms.• Exclusive GENTLE Beekeeping® methods based on the language of the bees : particular emotional state for the beekeeper to earn the acceptance of the bees• Long soaking, manual high dilution at 1/1018 of bee products in mountain spring waters• Active dynamization amongst the hives. The hive is a vibratory and energetic zone of high intensity.• Final manual dynamization away from electromagnetic pollution• Unique efficiency test made on 47 panelists according to 18 criteria points.• Patent submitted N° 06 51412.
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Bonjour je souhaite savoir quel elixir me conseiller vous pour ma fille de 12 ans qui manque de confiance en elle ? Merci par avance Carine
Bonjour Carine,
Merci pour votre message et l'intérêt que vous nous portez.
Les Elixirs agissent sur la sphère émotionnelle ; chacun d'eux opère un subtil travail d'harmonisation énergétique qui vous aide à vous réaliser pleinement.
Ainsi, le choix de ou des élixirs est très personnel. Il appartient à votre fille de lire les différentes propriétés de chacun de nos élixir, d'évaluer son émotion et de choisir celui qui lui correspondrait. Vous pouvez éventuellement, proposer à votre fille de tourner notre roue des élixirs, sur notre site.
Nous restons également à son écoute pour tenter de répondre à ses besoins.
Nous vous souhaitons une belle journée,
Bonjour, Est il possible de prendre plusieurs élixirs en même temps ? Je vous remercie pour votre réponse Passez un bon week-end BIEN RESPECTUEUSEMENT Béatrice
Bonjour Béatrice, Merci pour votre message. Vous pouvez tout à fait utiliser plusieurs élixirs de la ruche en même temps en fonction de vos besoins et états émotionnels. Passez une belle journée. L'équipe Ballot-Flurin.
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