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Once a year, our fermentation specialist Andrew Tape creates ferments his Cuvée Oranger, a prize-winning dry mead made with orange blossom honey.
Orange blossom honey is the preferred honey for American mead makers, but usually because of its availabilty and not because of its quality. With this cuvée, we improve on the American versions with our own "made in the French Pyrenees" version, using a high quality orange blossom honey harvested near Valencia, Spain. This dry mead lets the terroir of the orange groves fully express themselves, with floral and citrusy notes mixing with those of honey.
Batch 191-23 : 12% alc. - residual sugars at bottling: approx. 20g/L
Mead categories differ from those of wine, usually containing slightly more sugar. At 25g/L and under, a mead is considered dry. The style allows for a better expression of the notes within a honey, showing off botanical notes of its surrounding flora, while retaining characteristics of the honey itself. Our dry meads are balanced with a natural acidity provided by bacteria indigenous to the beehive. Its reduced sugar content allows it to pair
Perfect along side spiced dishes or snacks : chips and fresh salsa, vegetable or chicken currys, mapo tofu... Pairs very well with slightly fruity cheeses like comté affiné or manchego. Serve cold like a white wine (6-8°C).More about our artisanal mead
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